Ms. Lillian Achola is Programme Officer Land Tenure and the National Engagement facilitator (NES) Lead organiser of the National Land forum.

She holds a bachelor’s degree in Laws and a post graduate diploma in law. Has nine years’ wide experience in Land governance and women land rights advocacy both at National and grass root level. Lead organiser of the National land forum and the Women land rights conferences.
Lillian has been involved in extensive research on land rights to inform policy development, development of land rights training manuals,building the capacity of communities, local leaders, land Administration structures, policy makers and was at the fore front of formation of the first communal land associations in Uganda, a project that won the International LAND Coalition Land for Life Award 2015 as a best practice project globally.
Currently shaping the national discussions on customary tenure and offering technical back stopping on the succession amendment bill spear headed by LANDnet.