District with high rates of land disputes named ( quoted from The New vision of May 20th 2019)


Land grabbing is gradually becoming a national security threat.

According to the Police many displaced minority are left homeless and jobless.

According to the police the land grabbers have now changed tactics from using the gun toting and kanyamas to burying husks and skulls on the land.

‘It is no longer grabbing ,by encroachment. Land grabbers bury dogs, groundnuts husks and sugarcane peelings on land to claim inheritance,’

According to the report dog skulls look similar to human skulls once the mouth is cut off.

‘In the dead of the night land grabbers bury dog skulls on land and years later say their ancestors were buried there.when it comes to DNA, many give up since it is an expensive process’, the report says.


Groundnut husks and sugarcane peelings take long (over five years) to rot,they identify a spot on the land where to bury the refuse and tell investigators that the same location is where they (as a family) used to dump rubbish,’ this is very common in Bwera, Kasese district.

Wakiso,Mukono, Mubende

According to the CID spokesperson, Charles Mansio Twine, land cases are on the increase and were greatly registered in the areas of Kampala Metropolitan(KMP) policing area ,Masaka, Mubende, Nakasongola, Nakaseke and Kyankwanzi districts, KMP comprises Kampala, Wakiso and Mukono districts.

According to Twine ,obtaining money by false pretense is common in land disputes.

There are also several forgeries of agreements and land titles.There is also a challenge of many people especially in the cattle corridor not depositing money in banks or own businesses in town instead , they opt for farms , a form of money laundering

Most Affected

Widows and orphans are among the most vulnerable when it comes to land grabbing.


A year ago the Police Land protection Unit was suspended over land grabbing, this was after details emerged linking detectives attached to the unit to land grabbing.

The police has actually come top on the list of those abetting land fraud in Uganda.