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3rd National Women’s Land Rights Conference

3rd National Women’s Land Rights Conference

In 2016, a 2nd National Women’s Land Right Conference was held and aimed at ensuring that by 2025, women attain 30% registered ownership and the members of the Women Land Rights Movement (WLRM) committed to implementing the 10 minimum demands geared towards the fulfilment of the 2025 agenda. As such the third Women’s Land Rights Conference of 2021 was held to: `TRACKING PROGRESS OF THE RIGHT TO LAND IN UGANDA 2016-2021 AND IMPLICATIONS TO NATIONAL SOCIAL ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION`` The virtual two-day conference brought together diverse groups of participants ranging from government ministries, departments and Agencies, donor community, policy makers and implementers, civil society organizations, academia, traditional institutions and grass root institutions and project beneficiaries from the various organisations that make up the WLRM namely, Northern Uganda, Karamoja region, Eastern and central region.

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